Versatile Blogger Award!

Wow!  An incredible blogger colleague, PanicMonster, nominated me for the VERSATILE BLOGGER AWARD! Imagine that! What a nice surprise, and a humbling experience.  Thank you PM.

I have been blessed to meet some incredible and talented people through this medium called “blogging.” As this blog has grown, and as I’ve added other blogs, my network keeps expanding.  Having read many other excellent blogs, I am even more amazed that I was nominated for this award.  Wow.

The Versatile Blogger Award is an award passed from blogger to blogger. As with any award, there are responsibilities that go with it.  This award not only increases your blog’s visibility in the blogging world, but it is a way to expose a little about the blogger behind the blog (in this case, me).  Finally, as the awardee, one get to  share with her/his readers who  their favorite bloggers and writers are.

Here is how it works:

1) Link back to the blogger that gave me the award .
2) Tell you 7 random things about myself.
3) Choose 15 other blogs to pass the award to.
4) Inform the other bloggers that I’m passing the award to them.

Ok here we go…

(PM, I hope you don’t mind that I used your post as a model.)

1.  Skydiving


It was a static-line jump.  And it was EXHILARATING!  Why did I do this?  To impress a man!  I was just getting back into the dating scene, fresh out of a painful divorce, and I was fearless and adventuresome and having the time of my life. Don’t know what ever happened to the man, but I made a few jumps before I hung up my chute! (see post  I also learned to dare myself to try new things, explore new places, experience a full life.

2. I’ve lived in LA, KY, PA, NY, NH, OH, MI, MD and now in VA.

3. I spent three weeks in Nicaragua to see/find out what our politicians were not telling us! wonderful eye-opening experience….and I found out that no matter how much I learned, there is a LOT I still don’t know.

4. I love to camp!

The Laubin's Tepee, Wyoming

Camped a LOT in a Teepee growing up. (Hand made by my parents, modeled after the style of the Oglala Sioux. We even stripped pine trees for the poles….nasty work….great memories though, of growing up and camping and seeing the country)

5.  Learned to cross-country ski when I was in my late 40s. Great exercise and a lot of fun if you like being out in nature in winter time.

6. My family is growing!

7.  Avid reader: I love good books; not crazy about cheap, dime-a-dozen paperbacks. I like the feel of a hard cover, to get lost in the story, to feel that I’ve read something of substance when I’m done. Religious writings, great novels, my weak subjects in school but that wish I now knew more about: fractals and physics, math and numbers, etc.

8.  I like GREEN: by that i mean I have a compost pile, I recycle, i have an awesome Honda Fit that averages 35 mpg, etc.

9.  Pets!

Love animals; have always had a pet or two. This is Pele.

10.  Road Trips.

Love to travel. My husband and I are great travelers together and have been to Montreal and Toronto, Vermont, NY, NJ, OH, KY, MI, MD, VT, WV, VA, and lots of other places, too.  We LOVE to travel.

11.  I play(ed) piano!

my piano
My Piano

I played piano quite well at one point in my life. Now when I play it is purely for my own enjoyment… one else would enjoy it….i’m too rusty!

12.   I have an awesome thimble collection that most people have never seen. As often as we move, they are a lot of trouble to unpack and then pack again….one day I’ll find a good way to display them so that I can leave them out…..there are a LOT of them. If you have any interesting thimbles you want to get rid of, see me!

13.  I am a twin!

There were three sets of twins in the same class when we started school in rural, small-town Marion, LA.  My brother and I are in the center.  🙂  Unfortunately I don’t have any recent pictures of the two of us.

14. Coffee drinker.

I like a good cup of coffee… frills, no extras, no bells and whistles….JUST a good cup of coffee….black and strong.

15.  I love to dance, even though it’s been a long time and I usually only dance when no one is watching and I can let loose and be wild!  ….and to beat a drum (I have one that is thunderous but seldom used because it may scare the neighbors) and play a handmade Cherokee flute and a bowed psaltery and …..etc.

So there you have it! Now it is your turn.  The following are blogs that I follow and recommend to you.  These are my nominations for the Versatile Blogger Award!

There were others I wanted to nominate, but if you already received the award, I took you off my list.  If I skipped over anyone, please accept my apologies.  This is the most difficult part about receiving an award!

Thanks again, PM!  and a fantastic day to all!

EEEEEEKKKK!  No wonder this took me so long!  I was supposed to tell you SEVEN things about myself, NOT fifteen!  I got my numbers mixed up!  Oy vey…  a senior moment for sure!  But I worked too long and hard putting this thing together to start tearing it apart, so just pick out seven things about me that you like and ignore the rest!  Hahahahaha 😀

34 thoughts on “Versatile Blogger Award!

  1. This post is giving me one huge headache! Links are broken, spacing is messed up, no telling what else is going on. I’ll try to fix stuff today, but school work is pressing and deadlines are looming. I hope links to your blog can be corrected. Forgive the confusion.

  2. Thank you so much, (may be more mushy stuff will follow on my blog!) I much confess i was your fan, but now i am in awe of you!! i want to be just like as a blogger now! Left me dump of my killing deadlines, and i will repay the favor!

      1. Wow that text looks just as slurry as i was when i wrote it… i meant i wanna be a blogger just like you, and i need to dump my deadlines too!

    1. LOL! Well, I probably wouldn’t do it now, but at the time it seemed the thing to do. I actually made a few jumps, and loved it. But that was a long time ago. The lengths we go to try to impress someone! 🙂

    1. I had to laugh at myself. I was getting all flustered because I had so many things to do other than make a “get to know you” list about myself. After I posted I read that I could have cut the list in half and been ok. I had to laugh. Thanks for the congrats.

    1. I love your blog! I was trying to notify everyone personally, but it was prooving too much. I have studies to attend to, papers due, etc. So I’m glad you mosied on over and found your name on the list. Copy the trophy to your site, if you want, and then feel free to pass the award on to other bloggers you follow and like! It is a little time consuming, but it is nice to be acknowledged for our efforts. Congrats! 🙂

  3. Got to say – love the insight to you!
    Love camping too, although mine have never been as wonderful as in a TEEPEE!!!
    Also, can I say, I re started piano about 6 months ago after stopping when I was about 8.
    It is suprisingly easy to get back into, and with the joy of 16 extra years on me it makes it a lot easier to understand! Now I love it… go forth and tinkle the ivories!

  4. Congratulations on your awards and thank you for including my blog to the list… It amazes me how the award keeps going and going and going around like the energizer bunny. 🙂
    Happy Weekend!

  5. Congrats on the award. Nice set up and it’s so easy to read. You have it so organized I feel like I should change my theme. LOL…. I am glad we all get the chance to talk about ourselves.

    1. Thanks, Jackie! Yes, blogging is wonderful and when we pat each other on the back all the time, it makes one want to blog even more! hahahah BTW, how is your new job going? I notice I haven’t seen you in “blogging world” quite as much these days.

  6. Oh my …!!! Not until now did I see this! Thank you, THANK YOU!

    What an interesting read too! I really enjoyed this.

    [wonder why I haven’t received any notifications at all … must check my settings]

    1. Congrats! i really enjoy your blog, and subscribed to it not too long ago. I may have missed you with the notifications. Sorry. I had a big paper due for one of my classes and was very hurriedly trying to notify everyone. I’m afraid that there were several missed notices. I am glad you found it though. Copy the trophy from this post to add to your blog. Again, congratulations! You deserve it!!!

  7. Thanks for including me on your list Cecelia. The skydiving would freak me out so much. I am not afraid of heights but I would draw the line at jumping out of a perfectly good areoplane. I just can’t cope with that falling through the air feeling. Even jumping from a high rock or tree at a swimming hole gives me the eebie jeebies. You are one brave lady to have done that.

    1. Tony,
      I don’t know what possessed me to jump out of a plane but I’m glad I did. It was one of the most fun, exhilarating things i ever did. It has been years now since i did that, and now I’m not so sure that I would repeat, but the few jumps I made stand out in my memory. Sometimes we just have to step out of our comfort zone and try something new. Thanks for stopping by. I really enjoy your blog. Have a great day.

    1. Hi Summerfield,
      Please forgive me for not notifying you personally. I got caught up in school work and fell down on the job when it came to notifying everyone. Please copy the award to your site. I enjoy your blog immensely. You are deserving of the award! Have a great day, and I’ll continue to see you in the blogosphere! 🙂

    1. I apologize for not letting you know! I started contacting blogs, but school demands took precedence and I never finished the job. I feel bad. But I am glad you made your way to this list. Copy the trophy to your blog. You deserve it! 🙂

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