Inspiration and Gratitude

This is one of those mornings when try as I might, nothing seems to inspire me! One would think there is something wrong with this old gal that she can’t compose or create on a morning like this. I awoke to the sound of warbling birds with the sun streaming through my bedroom window as its rays were just beginning to break over the horizon.  At this point in the year, the earth has rotated so that I can lay in bed and watch the sunrise, my favorite time of the day.  It was a glorious awakening.  But no inspiration is percolating.

Once out of bed, I meandered into the kitchen for breakfast and now sit here nursing my first cup of coffee for the day as I review the flurry of activities from the past few days.  Time to plan my itinerary for the next few days and consider my next endeavor.  Mundane activity.  That’s all.  So, what has kept me so busy lately?  Here’s a rundown:

To begin with, I am now running three blogs! — This blog is for whatever strikes my fancy.  Mainly I write about life and lessons learned, but I wander off that path whenever I choose.  This was my first blog, my favorite blog.  This is the one on which I cut my blogging teeth.  This is where my thoughts, memories, and blogging networking takes place.  In time, I hope to develop the other blogs to this point.  If you haven’t subscribed to this blog, then by all means do! — I began this one as a more private blog, one where I could write more about my spiritual and religious learning.  I found however, that with the rigors of graduate school competing for my time, I wasn’t able to do with this blog what I had originally intended. What to do?  I did not want to abandon it, but there just wasn’t the time to give it the required attention.  In a “light bulb” moment, I posted a photo and accompanying verse from one of my notecards creations.  Aha! An answer to my dilemma!  Since then, many but not all postings at this site are notecards photos accompanied by an inspirational verse. This blog’s followers are small in number, but the blog is special for me as I continually seek spiritual and religious growth.  If you are interested in a short, inspirational verse in your email from time to time, I invite you to subscribe to this blog, too! — This blog is fresh off the presses!  Recently I read about the “365 Gratitude Project” where the mastermind encouraged people to begin finding ways to express gratitude each and every day.  Some people journal daily, others began quilt projects with each square depicting something for which they were grateful.  One person has a tablecloth on which she, and whoever happens to be her guest, writes something for which they are grateful on the cloth itself, and then she goes back and embroiders over it to make the gratitude a permanent part of her tablecloth.  Imagine sitting down to eat every meal on a table covered with thanks and gratitude!  I didn’t take long to decide how to participate in this project.  Everyday, sans Sabbath and religious holidays, I will, with G-d’s help, post a photo of something that I am grateful for.  Many times I will include a short blurb about the depicted gratitude, many times not.  Personally, I think great things can happen when we cultivate an attitude of gratitude.  I invite you to join in this project ( Maybe you would like to participate, too. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to get our kids involved in something like this?  Just think of how their lives would be impacted if they were encouraged to express gratitude each day of their lives!  They could change the world!  Really!!!  The “Perpetual Gratitude: A Daily Photo Diary” is two days old as of this writing.  So, come on by and check it out.  Subscribe if you like.  I’ll be updating it daily.

In addition to photography, blogging, and creating notecards, graduate school is relentless in its demands on my time.  Reading, writing, academic discussions, papers, papers, and more papers are the determining elements when Richard and I schedule our days and weeks. This quarter won’t end until mid June, then I’ll get a three-week break, then I start another 10-week quarter.  I’ll be doing this until the year 2013.  Fun.

This gal may not feel inspired this morning, but there is certainly a lot of inspiring stuff to keep me busy!

As an addendum, I had intended to run a contest to help me name this blog.  But with the activity of the past week, “Inspiration” seems appropriate.  I am not married to this title, however.  Do you have a better idea?  Can you think of a title that better fits this blog?  If so, please feel free to share it in the comments section.  If I get a lot of input, I’ll put it to a vote!  Then (ta da da dum!) if I use the name you suggested, I’ll send you a set of my new notecards!  I look forward to hearing from you.

Have an absolutely inspiring day filled with gratitude!

13 thoughts on “Inspiration and Gratitude

  1. Three blogs?!
    That’s VERY impressive! Just one blog is often enough to cause me small bouts of panic! You are entitled to a few ‘uninspired days’! That’s an awful lot of work, and sometimes it helps just to have a day of calm… some down-time to ‘decompress’ a bit. 🙂

    1. You are absolutely correct! It’s just that since we got rid of our tv about five months ago, I have all this time on my hands and have to fill it with something. It is amazing how much can be accomplished when not vegging out in front of the tv. Reading, writing, photographing, hiking, museums, SCHOOL, etc. The other two blogs are pretty simple to run. This is the one that requires the most “thinking.” But as you suggest, a day of calm, down-time, decompression would be nice!

  2. I set up SLTW to be flexible enough for gratitude posts, inner wisdom, life lessons, and inspiration. Juggling three blogs would be tough for me . . . I’d always be wondering where I posted something. 🙂

    Your recent “flurry of activity” might be the reason for your lack of inspiration this morning . . . your essential self knows that you just need some “ME” time.


    1. Wow, that “me” time sounds great! The blogging is fun, and it since we don’t have a tv I have time and energy for it. Grad school is the main stressor in my life at the moment. When I get this next paper finished and submitted for my coursework (due Sunday midnight) I think I’ll take a day. . . or two. . . for myself. Thanks so much for stopping by. I appreciate it. 🙂

  3. You’ve taken on quite a lot… I have two blogs and it is quite challenging to keep them going… I wish you all the best and do make time to just sit… ME time, yes! 🙂
    Best wishes on your endeavors!

  4. Wonderful way of waking up! I’ve seen the gratitude project in Facebook too …some people on my list are doing it. It’s a good thing … we need to look in to the little things in life that we usually take for granted.

    Just a few days ago, I started a secondary blog. I used to make a lot of graphics in Paint Shop Pro, but somehow lost it and I’ve missed it ever since. Now, I’m trying to get back into that, and I started that blog just to post my little creations.

    I already had the blog address, but never did much with it so that was a good thing too, that I could bring that to life 🙂

    I’m not at all familiar with the American school system so … how come you’re in grad school?! Hope I’m not too forward asking now..

    1. I know nothing about paint shop, but it looks like fun. Sounds like a great creative outlet for you. I’ll check it out.

      Grad school = Graduate School. I have a master’s degree, but am working on a second masters that will allow me to get licensed as a professional mental health counselor. Grad school comes after the baccalaureat degree, but before the PhD. I do hope I’m not being too elementary here. I forget that people from other parts of the world with different education systems may not know what I’m talking about. My husband is a product of Venezuela and their system is quite different from the U.S,

      Thanks for stopping by, and for leaving comments.

  5. Seriously, Cecelia?!? What an inspiration you are…ALL this while attending Grad School and taking care of that beautiful family? Wow…is all i can say. Really look forward to reading more 🙂 Love the gratitude blog idea!

    1. Thanks Nic (blush) I appreciate your kind words. Thanks for stopping by. The blogging may slow down a wee bit in the next few weeks as I near the end of the quarter, but hopefully not too much. 🙂 The gratitude blog is a lot of fun, and it is easy. There is always something to be grateful for. Check it out! . You might want to Google “365 Gratitude Project,” too, the place that inspired me to start the gratitude blog in the first place.

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