Sunday Post: Nature

The problem with this challenge is that nature photography is what I do. There are literally thousands of photographs on my computer and picking just one for this challenge was a daunting task. I chose this photo because it is lush with vegetation, and I don’t believe I’ve ever posted it before. Depicted here is the human effort to create a garden within nature. I shot this a few years ago, and still the sight of this place calms the mind and soothes the soul . . . at least for me. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂  You can learn more about this garden here. Enjoy.

p.s. I shot this with my Olympus point-and-shoot camera. Who says you need expensive equipment to get good photos? 😉

40 thoughts on “Sunday Post: Nature

    1. Yes, I spent a lot of time there just taking in the view. Brookside Garden in Silver Srping, MD always had a calming affect. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by, Barb. Much appreciated.

    1. Yes! I agree completely with that comment. A good camera can improve technical quality to a degree, but imaginations and the photographer’s eye are the key ingredients for a good photo. I purchased my dSLR about a year ago, but prior to that I relied solely on my point and shoot. Thanks for stopping by H.A. Much appreciated. 🙂

  1. It’s not about the equipment! This is beautiful.

    I also wanted to say that your page loads nicely now … I think it was a problem with the Facebook widget you had before …the page never stopped loading. That’s gone now..

    1. Glad you like it. That was one of my favorite places to go and “mellow out” when we were living in MD. I haven’t found a place that is comparable since then.

      thanks for letting me know. FB was a bother anyway. I hope that is the only problem there is.

      Have a wonderful day. 🙂

  2. This is such a beautiful, relaxing garden. The human effort to sculpt nature certainly paid off in this case. Great entry!

  3. This fountain reminds me quite a bit of one at the Botanical Garden near me… beautifully done, Ms. F! And a very good point about the camera, too… I’ve seen stunning shots that literally came from a used oatmeal container. Although I’d assuming pro-level gear would definitely have its advantages, too… you know… just in case you were looking to get rid of some.

    1. It is one of the most peaceful places I have visited. Serene is correct! I am happy to share this place with you. 🙂 (You appear to have a pretty serene place, too, and you get to LIVE there!)

    1. Thanks Doris. I’m getting ready to jump into another ten weeks of craziness, so I won’t be around as much. I’ll stay caught up with you as best as I can. Check out Perpetual Gratitude. I’ll probably post more often on that blog until this quarter finishes up in mid-June. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂 Hugs to you, as always.

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