Where Have I Been? Where Am I Going?

The title of this post could suggest some really deep, ponderous thoughts and provocative responses. But, it is not so complicated as all of that. Since folks have begun to ask where I’ve been (I haven’t been up to my usual blog-hopping activities), I thought it might be nice to give you a quick run down of what is going on in my neck of the blog-o-sphere!

Where have I been?

1.  My head has been buried in the books for the past eight weeks. I continue to plug away at this degree in mental health counseling, and the deeper I get into the program, the more demanding the coursework becomes. This quarter I’ve been immersed in abnormal psychology (fascinating subject but it makes me wonder about my sanity that I enjoy the subject so much!) and group psychotherapy (another interesting subject.) Keeping up with course requirements in these two classes has been a challenge, but I’ve learned a lot. The good news is that I am down to the last two weeks of the quarter! After that, I will have three weeks vacation before the next quarter begins. You will see me much more during that break as I will be stopping by your places to see what you have been up to, too. I’ve missed you all. Thank you to those who have continued to stop by even though I haven’t returned the favor. In a couple of weeks I plan to remedy that situation. 🙂

2. We are buying a house! Not just any house, but a sweet bungalow that is just the right size for the two of us, small enough to be easy to care for, large enough to have family and friends stay over from time to time. Once we have possession of our new home, I’ll post a photo or two. I like bungalows. 🙂

3. We have a new addition to the family! His name is Elijah, and he is the first child of my youngest daughter. Elijah was born on Friday, March 2. I will be heading over there tomorrow and will be staying for a bit. My daughter had a C-section because little Eli was breach. But Momma, Pappa and baby are fine, healthy and happy. 🙂

Elijah ~ born 3/2/12 ~ 7lbs.2ozs.

Where am I going?

1. I am leaving for Chicago tomorrow for a bit. I’ll be spending my time caring for this sweet family, and finishing up my school quarter. If I disappear altogether for the next two weeks you will know why! BUT, when I return, I am sure to have plenty to blog about. 🙂

2. Registering for my next quarter, ordering textbooks, doing some research, etc. I may have a break from my courses, but I’m still a student! Oy. . .

3. Packing . . . again . . . to move into our new house (hopefully sometime in April).

So much for where I’ve been and where I’m going. I am not ignoring you, and I fully plan to be back in a routine at some point in the future, hopefully sooner than later. Thanks again for stopping in to see how things are going. Have a great week.

49 thoughts on “Where Have I Been? Where Am I Going?

    1. Thank you, Barbara, for stopping by and commenting. I’ve missed seeing everyone else’s blogs and hope to be back soon. I’ll be sure to take lots of photos when I’m in Chicago. 🙂

  1. CONGRATULATIONS..Cecelia what a beautiful Grandson..how proud you must be.
    Have a good journey, a long rest and a happy moving day…see you when you are ready to write again

  2. Wow – a lot is going on in your life, so thanks for the update. Fantastic news about the new house; I’d love to see some pics when you get settled in.
    Congrats on a new grandchild too, and a warm welcome to Elijah! Enjoy your time with him and don’t worry, we will still be here when you get back!

  3. Congratulations! Take care of that sweet little baby, Elijah. Have fun in Chicago. Good luck finishing the term and packing for your move.

  4. Oh Cecelia, congratulations!!!! What a beautiful bundle of joy. You surely have a full plate, but all good stuff! I will look forward to seeing you…whenever! Margie

  5. Congrats! Baby is precious! Tell your daughter I know how she feels, I had C-section and it’s not fun at all. I’m glad they are good.

    I’m very glad about what all you’re learning, it’s great you have energy for it all.

    Yay for the new house! I’m sure it will be homey, cozy and just right for you 2.
    *hugs* looking forward to all new posts 🙂

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Doris. I am a little late responding to you, but I am now down to my last week of the quarter. By Friday afternoon I’ll be free to start blogging again. I appreciate you stopping by even though I’ve neglected visiting you in recent weeks. HUGS!

  6. Congratulations to you and your family, Ms. F! A Pisces… he’s going to be creative! I can tell already!
    Wonderful news about your bungalow, too! Packing / moving is always stressful, but it sounds like you’ve got a wonderful place to call home – so that will help a lot, I’m sure!
    Best of luck with all the goings-on! And it’s been so nice to hear all the good news, too! Congratulations again!

    1. Thank you, SIG. He will fit right in with our family; two of my three children (including this fella’s Momma) are Pisces….and all are creative! We have a lot going on right now, but it is all good. One week of coursework to go and then I’m free to start blogging and hopping again! Thank you so much for continuing to visit. I’ll see you soon at your site, too! 🙂

  7. So many wonderful things on your plate these days. Activities that are often stressful yet they are so full of hope and unfolding. The classes are paving the way for your future. The new house, once populated with your colors, smells and belonging will be there to welcome and hold you. Your newest family member … well, that’s the best part of all!

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by, Marge. Life has been busy, and it has had its stresses, but it is all good! We are blessed and have so much to be thankful for. Thank you for your kind words. One more week of classes and then I’ll get a break and will have time to blog again! See you soon!!! 😉

    1. I’m heading in to my last week of the quarter–which will be crazy–but then I get a three week break, and that will be a wonderful respite! Thanks for your thoughtful words, Jo. Much appreciated. 🙂

    1. Thank you, Elizabeth. I have had an extraordinary week here in Chicago with my children and grandchildren. I am in my last week of the quarter (ends Friday at 5pm) and then I will get a much needed break, and get back to a more regular blogging schedule. Thank you so much for continuing to check in on Inspired Vision! Have a wonderful week. 🙂

  8. It gets kinda busy don’t it 🙂 This is all positives – so pleased to hear about your addition to stock (as rail enthusiasts say)! Hope you continue to enjoy your course and successfully work towards a distinction.

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