Candle Lighter Award

Tonight I opened my page to discover that imexcited nominated me for the Candle Lighter Award. I’m honored and humbled with this recognition. Imexcited is a young mother who blogs beautifully about her experience as a first-time mother. She is an inspiration herself! Check out her blog if you get a chance (and ooh and aah over her baby!)

So how does this award work? To get a better understanding you might want to check out Kate Kresse at her Believe Anyway blog. Kate explains that her reason for creating this award is to encourage bloggers to write positively, to seek to lighten the load or illuminate the path for others. This award rewards positive people who write positive blogs. After reading this, I was even more humbled to receive this award. Thank you so much imexcited!

This award belongs to  those who believe, who always Survive the day, and those who never stop Dreaming, for those who cannot quit, for those who keep trying and if you find yourself in that category, you are entitled in this award.

What does the awardee have to do once he or she accepts the award? Nothing. This is an award without strings or limitations. Pass it on to whomever you think lights up the darkness with their blogs and positive presence in the blogging world! That’s it. If you do pass this on to someone else, I am sure that Kate (see Believe Anyway) would appreciate a link back to her, although this is not required.

If you look at my blogroll at the bottom of the page, you will see the blogs I subscribe to. (Mostly; I’m still in the process of updating and adding. I’ve come a long way during the break but there is more to do. Check back periodically.) I subscribe to blogs that are positive, artistic, creative, inspiring ~ in a word, blogs that light a candle in the dark. So each qualifies to take a candle and post it on your blog, and pass it along to those you want to honor.

Again, thanks to imexcited (isn’t that a positive blog title!) for granting me this wonderful award.




40 thoughts on “Candle Lighter Award

  1. Inspired Vision….what a nice thing to do! I’ve enjoyed visiting some blogs listed above. And yours is wonderful. Your writing is spectacular and your photos are awesome. Congratulations on winning the Candle Lighter Award…..I can see why you did! Happy New Year!

  2. Hi Cecelia! Wow, I am so touched and overwhelmed by your appreciation.Thank you for your positive words about my blog, so nice of you to do that 🙂

    Have a blessed new year 2012

  3. Congratulations Cecelia..a very apt reward for there is no doubt that you always light up the darkest corners of my life and always make me feel this is a good award

  4. Cecelia, what a wonderful way for you to end 2011 and begin 2012: You received the Candle Lighter Award, a very much deserved honor. Visiting Kate Kresse’s Believe Anyway blog, I see that she established the award very recently, on December 18, 2011. Congratulations! I hope that you have many special moments in 2012.

  5. Congratulations on the Candle Lighter Award, Cecelia! It’s well deserved. Your blog does indeed bring more light into the blogosphere. 🙂

    Hope you enjoy the Lake Erie snow machine’s first good snow of the season.

    1. Thanks Robin. I appreciate your kind sentiments. And yes, in a wierd sort of way, I’m looking forward to the first good snow of the season! I’m sure there will be plenty of photo ops! I look forward to your artistic take on the sight, too! Have a wonderful year.

    1. Ah Thank you, SIG! YOU inspire me with your wonderful artwork and photography. Thanks for stopping by, and may you and Annabelle have a wonderful, prosperous, truly blessed 2012! 🙂

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