Weekly Photo Challenge: Faces

I was not going to participate in the challenge this week. There has been quite a lot happening around here and I decided to give myself a break. But today I felt compelled to share some of my favorite faces with you, not to win accolades for amazing photography (I only shot two of the following photos), but rather to share faces that are very important to me. We had a scare last night with a family member that reminds me of the fragility of life. I would have liked to create a slide show of the following faces, but I don’t know how and for the moment I don’t have the time to learn~maybe in the future. So for today, these are the faces that mean so much to me, that inspire me, that comfort and urge me in all that I do. Enjoy.

Mom and Dad's Courting Days

Dad, Momma Futch and Daddy Futch

Twin brother, Steve, and wife, Carolyn

Mom with us twins. 🙂
Brother, David, and wife, Sandy

Brother, Gary, deceased
Gary's wife, Betty Jean, and new husband and good man, Rudy

Son, Tim, his wife, Maria, and daughter, Genevieve

Daughters, Mica and Mary
Grandson, Jacob
Granddaughter, Genevieve
Husband, Richard
Mom and Dad, doing what they love to do!

Mica’s John and Mary’s Eric are missing simply because I couldn’t find photos of them, but they are among my favorite faces, too.

So, life is as fragile as it is rich and full and exuberant. Please excuse my self-indulgence, but these and many more are people ~ faces ~ that mean the world to me. Have a good day, look into people’s faces, and be thankful for those who touch your life.



60 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Faces

    1. Thank you so much,SIG. Dad had an abdominal aneurism rupture last night, and on top of that they found he has pneumonia.He was rushed into emergency surgery where they were able to repair five ruptures, and today he’s in ICU recovering. Prognosis is good. Thanks for asking. It was a long night but looks like all will be well.

  1. Cecelia, I love the wonderful photos of your ancestors and descendants. And I like the way you suggested that we “look into people’s faces and be thankful for those who touch your life.” Just yesterday my husband and I had lunch with a woman I had not seen for 51 years when I visited her and her baby daughter in her parents’ home in a small town on Iowa. Her husband is still with her and the four of us had a wonderful visit. I helped light the candles for their wedding the summer after our junior year of high school.

    Thank you also, Cecelia, for visiting my blog, A Park College Diary 1961, and leaving your nice comment.

    1. Thanks Nancy. Genevieve did not like her halloween costume last year and she let the world know it! As soon as the hood came off, she was all smiles. But the photo is indeed priceless. Maria did a good job capturing that one! As to the twin photo, I was the larger baby at birth, but he was the more athletic ~ started walking at 9 months to my 12 months.

  2. I really am an old softy at heart…those were so beautiful that they made me cry. That took a lot of thought and showed a lot of love for those that you care about.
    What a lovely Mother, wife daughter , sister and aunt you are..Bless you Cecelia

    love P

  3. Reading the comment about your dad’s aneurism surgery last night — How very, very THANKful I am to know he has an encouraging prognosis. Prayers said for his complete healing and recovery — and for peace of mind for all your family.

    Photos of our loved ones are precious, indeed. Thanks for sharing these with us, and I hope you have many more photo-ops with you family. I know the pictures of your brother Gary are special treasures.

    1. Thanks LToL. Yes, we had a scare last night but Dad responded well in surgery and even though he will be in ICU for a few days (at least), all went well. Experiences like that make you appreciate the ones you love.

      Have a great day.

  4. What a blessing to look into such lovely faces of the ones you love. People are the only really important things in life. Nothing else matters. Family, whether by blood or marriage or through love as a friend are the things that keep us warm when life is cold and scary. Thank you for sharing and taking the time to post. It is a good reminder for all of us to take time to look and love each other now, not later.

  5. a truly wonderful post. not meaning to stalk you or put pressure on you or anything, but i had been popping by the last couple of days, wondering when/if your post would appear because you always have such a great take on the challenges. from your comments above i understand that your Dad had quite a scare that all of you shared, but that he is recovering with a good prognosis. am glad to hear it!
    thanking you for sharing all these loving family moments and the reminder that there is stuff, and there are things, and nothing can replace family. am certainly very grateful for mine.

    1. Thank you P&K. All seems to be well for now, for which we are all grateful. You are right, nothing can replace family.

      I’m flattered that you like my take on the challenges. This one was different, but people seem to appreciate the sentiment. Would that we all had close, loving families. Again I thank you for stopping by.

  6. Beautiful post and apropos for the challenge… I hope all is well with your family member and that you are doing okay too.. It was good to see the family faces… and yes, you are quite right; Life is fragile.TY! 🙂

    1. Thank you! The picture of Genevieve (baby), our granddaughter, was shot by my daughter-in-law, Maria. One of my favorite photos of G. Thanks for stoping by, and glad you like the photo!

  7. You’ve told the story of your family simply and beautifully through these photos. It’s not a fairytale story (whose is) but, an epic chronicle of the life of a real family. It’s filled with romance, comedy tragedy and joy. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you for your wonderful comment. I am glad that you appreciate the photos and the story they tell. I racked my brains trying to think of what to post for this challenge, and then crisis struck our family, and as Dad is in ICU for a ruptured abdominal aneurism, the only thing I could think about were the faces of the people who mean and meant so much to me. So I posted them. I had no idea that this post would get such a response. I think it reminds people of the ones they love, the faces they long to see, the meaning of family. Again, thank you for your kind words.

    1. Yes, that would certainly define my parents! Their lives have been filled with wonder and adventure and we kids and our children have been the beneficiaries. Thanks for stopping by. I hope to see you again sometime. 🙂

  8. The sweetest faces in the world are the ones we shared our lives with. You are blessed with a beautiful and loving family. So many faces that brought you joy and inspiration. Thanks for sharing. Have a blessed day….

    1. Dad had just suffered a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurism when I wrote that post. We had no idea how critical his situation was, nor how close we came to losing him. I just know that when I posted this one, I was keenly aware of how important my family was and is to me. Fortunately Dad survived, and we have a lot to be thankful for, including this family. Thanks for stopping by.

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