Autumn Thoughts

When the studies become oppressive and I feel smothered by deadlines and all things academic, the best mental health therapy I know is to grab a camera and head for the woods. I’ve spent a lot of time in the woods lately. In fact, I recently discovered  what is officially known as “nature therapy,” based on the premise that human angst, depression, disconnectedness and stress can in part be attributed to the fact that in our technological world, we have become too alienated from nature. The cure (or at least some relief) is found by spending more time outdoors reconnecting with the natural world. That is certainly true for me. So much so that once I am a licensed clinical counselor (a few years hence) I plan to seek certification as an art therapist, and now, a nature therapist, too. I can think of no better approach to becoming centered and finding one’s authentic being. But one does not have to travel afar to benefit from immersing in the natural world. When not out in the woods, you will often find me on our back deck or in the yard piddling around. This is soul-refreshing work for me. I have great plans for our yard, plans that will make our yard a small wildlife habitat. It will take time, but with patience and perseverance we will have a nature retreat outside our back door. But it is Autumn and for now everything is put to rest for the season. No more digging and planting until the spring. As you can see, a few days ago the trees that line the back of our property were in full color which made the following bird shots more beautiful than ever. Even that old pie plate bird feeder doesn’t look quite as tacky as usual. 😉


Now however, the trees in the background have lost most of their leaves. Gray barrenness dominates the countryside. It’s hard to believe that these photos were taken just a day or two ago. Dreary rains have set in and the time has come to settle in to our cozy home knowing that winter is not too far off. School work continues. I will begin my fieldwork (counseling) in the spring, and if all goes according to plan (does it ever?) I will graduate in December, 2013. The work is tiring and I’ve reached the stage where I sometimes consider quitting this process. I am tired of school. But I am old enough to know that this, too, shall pass. And there are always the woods, or the yard, and the foliage and various animals to lift my spirits.

Well, school work is once again calling my name so I’m off. Have a wonderful week; try to get out into nature if you can, and I’ll see you all next time.



20 thoughts on “Autumn Thoughts

    1. Yes, the woods photo is one of my favorite places to go. I head out there once or twice a week just to clear my head. Glad you like it The bird photos were taken on our deck. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

  1. Hi Cecelia, I just discovered your gorgeous blog as you’d linked to the recent autumn-inspired post on mine at Yours is beautiful, calming and a breath of fresh air – thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! And good luck with your studies – not many more autumns before you will achieve your goal!
    Best wishes

    1. Hi Debbie! Thank you so much for stopping by. I just visited your blog and requested friend status on facebook. I am pleased that you like my blog and hope that you keep coming back. I am sporadic with postings and visiting other blogs due to a rigorous course of study that takes a lot of time. But I enjoy meeting people, reading what others have to say, sharing photographs, and anything else that feeds one’s spirit and nurtures the soul. Blessings to you.

  2. Hi Cecelia,
    Your photos are absolutely stunning. I’ve never seen a Cardinal in real life, even though they’re around here. I was just about to ask you when your studies will be over, and then I read it in your post. I would have quit long time ago … so hats off to you.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Rebekah. I am glad you like the photos. We have quite a few Cardinals in our area and they visit our yard daily. We only get a few Bluejays now and then, nothing like the beautiful ones you get in your neck of the woods. I was able to get these shots when the trees in the background were full of leaves at their peak autumnal color. Two days later and the trees are bare!

      Yes, school continues to dominate my time and energy. I am worn out by it. I keep plugging away and someday I’ll have my license to practice. When that happens I’ll throw a party for all my blogging buddies! 🙂

      Again, thanks for stopping by.


  3. Hi Cecelia,
    Thanks so much for sharing my blog (, gorgeous photography.
    By the way, good luck on finishing school. Don’t give up, the end will be here soon and you will be so glad you stuck it out. It took me many years to finish college, but now that I am done and doing something I really enjoy, I am so happy I did it.
    Thanks once again, CAT

    1. Thank you for your words of encouragement. I’ve been at this a long time and sometimes I get discouraged. But I’m 2/3 of the way there so I think I’ll keep going. I’m happy to share your blog. It is fun to find blogs that touch on similar subjects and share them. I’ve made a lot of blogging buddies that way. Thanks for stopping by here. I hope to see you again. 🙂

  4. Cecelia you are so right about nature therapy. I walked my heart healthy laps today that CH mows for me thru about 5 acres. I felt instantly happy and rejuvenated. I saw Juncos and titmousers and chickadees. I smelled the leaves. And then we laid a fire in the chimmy and sat outside for a couple of hours and just listened and smelled and saw nature at its best. Your shots of the cardinals are amazing. Good luck with your next round of studies!

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by here, Anyes. I am happy to link to other blogs. I’ve found some wonderful sites and made new friends that way. Glad you like the photos. Have a great week.

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